We Can’t Do This Alone

Our fight isn't just about keeping WafflesMapleSyrup alive; it's about creating a safe space for Jewish gamers and storytellers. It's about building a community with true inclusivity. By supporting us, you become part of a movement that uses the power of storytelling to combat prejudice.

Together, let's demonstrate that hate doesn't win. Let's build a community where stories inspire, mental health finds open arms, and acceptance replaces animosity. Join us in standing up and working towards Tikkun Olam- repairing the world, one epic tale at a time.

To understand more about our stance and some of the anti-Semitism we've experienced, please see: 
WMS' Statement on Zionism

Make a donation

Help us build a community where stories inspire, mental health finds open arms, and acceptance replaces animosity. Join us in working towards the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam- repairing the world, one epic tale at a time.


Become a member



$5.00 per month

By supporting us at this tier, you're making a difference! 16 cents/day goes a long way, we really can't thank you enough!
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  • Members Only Merch


$10.00 per month

It’s all coming together now! At just 33 cents/day your support is helping us put out that quality breakfa-- I mean, TTRPG content.
  • On-Stream Shout Out
  • Exclusive Discord Role
  • Members Only Merch
  • Merch Discount
  • Bonus Content RSS Feed
Waffle Irons

Waffle Irons

$25.00 per month

Now, 83 cents/day is truly heating things up. With this kind of support you help drastically improve the content we put out for amazing supporters like yourself!
  • On-Stream Shout Out
  • Exclusive Discord Role
  • Members Only Merch
  • Merch Discount
  • Bonus Content RSS Feed
  • Personalized Video